Day 41: To Pueblo

91.45 miles (Total: 2248.29) Avg Speed: 10.9mph Max Speed: 23mph

Two other eastbounders turned up to Haswell late last night after we had gone to bed, we talked for a while then went for another gas station breakfast. Today was Pueblo or bust for all of us. As we got going I did everything I could to make it a smooth ride for my bike, distributing my weight over any bumps and keep my gears low and wheels spinning nicely.

Me an Joe kept each other amused as usual but they were nervous laughs. Can I really go 90+miles further to Pueblo missing two rear spokes? Eastern Colorado is desolate and baron. It seems as though nothing moves or breathes, complete silence. All that can be heard is each others chains slowly turning over each tooth in the crank. The miles clock up an before long were halfway with Pueblo seeming tangible. We stop at a service station and check over the bikes, Joe looking increasingly concerned with his other tyre. What happened next was astonishing. We go in to pick up some Gatorade and guess who is right there, ROD! Whats more, he has his bike in his car and offers Joe the other tyre because he just got two new ones. We sit and laughed with Rod some more and encourage him to take the ride bike to South Carolina again once he is finished.

Back on the road, we all start to get excited about not only putting our bikes in for a service but the fact we plan on taking a rest day in Pueblo because its been two weeks since our last. After taking a wrong turn and having to turn back we realised we had been cruising on a tailwind because now it was in our faces. Despite been so close my moral started to dip, everything hurt and I was mentally exhausted from concentrating so hard on the riding all day and listening for any unwelcome pings or snaps. Finally we made the city limit. Pueblo as the name may suggest has a very hispanic feel to it. It looked like it had more character than Carbondale so should make for an interesting day tomorrow. We found a motel and dumped our gear rejoicing in the unlikeness of making it on our wounded bikes.

After cleaning up Joe found us a nice place to eat and drink online, The Shamrock Brewing Company & Restaurant. We strolled into town all smiles and my day was made when I found the days special was all you can eat fish and chips. The brews were great and the food just as good, we hobbled back to the motel with swollen bellies and crashed out knowing we don’t have to sit in the saddle all day tomorrow.

5 thoughts on “Day 41: To Pueblo

  1. Hi Rye, you all did really well getting to pueblo on those bikes,pleased you found nice place to eat & drink and that your having a rest day ,you all deserve one,it was amazing rod turning up again like that bet joe was pleased, luv mum xxx

  2. 100% guaraneteed the Shamrock would be decent!! Glad you made Pueblo Randel…for a couple of blogs there I thought Susan would have to be called in for a rescue mission! Blog top drawer…keep it up fella!!

  3. Hiya rye,that last 90 miles sounded like hard work so i’m sure that you will enjoy the long deserved rest.Thank god for rod.Take it easy.

  4. As if you about half way in now, top draw pardray, Keep it safe kid. Are you going to release a book or what ?

  5. 2 things Ry..First off, I love how that dog looks remarkably like my Jacob! And secondly, what on earth happened to that snake?? It makes me shiver just looking at the photo!

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