66.06 miles (Total: 907.96) Average Speed: 11.2mph Max Speed: 33mph
We woke inside the winery to an amazing breakfast from Donny. He had gotten up around 5am to make us everything from scratch. Once we were packed up an ready to leave we each left him $10 for the hospitality and said our goodbyes. We knew today was simply a case of getting the miles done to edge our way across the map. The destination was simply a motel at an intersection, not exciting but sometimes these kind of days are required, similar to the ride to Dalesville.
The scenery since leaving the mountains has steadily turned to cornfields. The ACA group caught up with us for a while but they weren’t going as far as us so we pressed on through a fairly cool and cloudy day to make it to the motel which is right next to Abraham Lincolns birthplace. The miles seemed easy and in a few days we should be into Illinois.
The Cruise Inn motel was probably the shadiest looking place i’ve seen, a guy in ripped jeans and boots in and old rusted pickup got out to show us the rooms. We then had to go next door to the store to book the room. Can’t complain at only $11 each but it smelt pretty foisty. Terry stayed in the motel whilst me, Joe and Cooper walked to an italian restaurent down the road for food, I almost managed to get a chicken parmo but it then turned out they had stopped doing them. We walked back to the motel expecting to get rained on as flashes of lightening went off in the distance but we stayed dry then headed to bed.
Lovin’ Joes cycling refreshments! As if you even found somewhere that knew what a parmo was! x