Day 48: Riding The Storm

70.70 miles (Total: 2625.23) Avg Speed: 11.8mph Max Speed: 34.5mph

Before leaving Walden we returned to last nights place for breakfast. They had wifi too so I could catch up on some blogging, bonus. After starting the ride I soon realised we were going to have to dodge storms again. Creepy looking clouds were pillowing above my head and growing darker by the second.

It wasn’t until after reaching the Wyoming state sign that things got ugly. I set my camera up ready, waited for Terry to catch up had him snap my picture quick as the rain started to drop. I then roared on, I was going pretty fast today and was determined to ride out the storm. A few miles down the road I caught the edge of it, so before it soaked me through I pulled my bike off the road and got under my tent. Terry caught up a little while later wet through just as it started to pass.

It teased us right through to Riverside, everytime I would look back towards Terry it seemed to be engulfing him. After stopping and eating in Riverside we found a bunch of eastbounders. Our destination for the night was Saratoga and they informed us of the hot springs there. Unlike in Hot Sulphur Springs, these ones were free!

We pressed on the last 20 or so miles to Saratoga in calmer skies and after arriving followed the signs in town to the ‘Hobo Pool’. The springs were adjoined to the city swimming pool. There was a more glamorous looking section by the river which was full but we went for a dunk in the standard section. It took me several minutes to ease my way in from ankle to knee, to waist before finally submerging. Wyoming has several areas with incredible geothermal activity, most notably Yellowstone national park where I will be in about a week. It was so hot but once I was in my whole body tingled like crazy. I boiled for around 10 minutes before retreating to the showers feeling rejuvenated.

We passed through town to find the campground by the lake for $3.50 each. My tent was still wet from using it as a shield from the storm so I hung it in the tree to dry out before Terry cooked up some pasta in pesto. The sunset over the lake was intense and I watched it dip below the horizon before I went off to bed wearing nearly all items of clothing I have with me to avoid a repeat of the last time we camped.

12 thoughts on “Day 48: Riding The Storm

  1. Good to see you,ve got the bad guy, bad cop out the way.
    That cloud does look like its a figure coming from the cloud, leaning ominously over the road with its legs stood on top of the hill.
    Best sunset yet.
    Keep the updates coming, I keep checking your progress/location on Google street map to make sure I know where you are, but haven,t seen you yet !.


  2. Hi Rye, well done on reaching state no 7,your doing really well, great pics,keep up the good work luv mum xxx

  3. Ryan – Helen told me about your adventure some months ago and ever since I have loved reading your inspiring blog. It sounds like you are having a great time and met some interesting people and made life long friends along the way. Take care and I look forward to continuing to read all about your trip to the end!! x

  4. Hey Ryan!

    You don’t know me but I know Cooper. He’s not that far behind you- I just talked to him and he’s heading for Hot Sulfulr Springs tonight (Wed. July 14). I’m going to try to meet up with him tomorrow- I’m so bummed that I missed him- I live in Dillon and he stayed here in Summit County last night but didn’t get my message. I just wanted to give you an update on where he is- I’m hoping he can catch up!

    BTW- I’ve known Cooper since he was 9 months old. We go WAY back.

  5. Some awesome shots there ando like, somethings missing from that Trail Mix like, Cashew nuts *sigh*

  6. My fave photos from today; the half storm half sunshine and most certainly the sunset snap! Fantastic!

  7. Hey Ryan,

    Glad to see you got my note. I did find Cooper (I went on a chase on my BMW motorcycle) and found him about 20 miles south of Walden. We had lunch at Rock Springs, and he was heading on, hoping for Riverside/Encampment tonight, but not sure. (BTW- it’s Thursday July 15). Not sure if he’ll ever catch up, but it sure is fun watching your adventures. I ride bicycles, but not long range. However, I have 76,000 miles on my BMW and counting, most of it in the Rocky Mountain West. So, if you’re ever wondering about a leg of the trip, feel free to drop me a line, as I’ve probably ridden whatever road you’re on.

    Cheers and good luck!

    Missy 🙂

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