59.72 miles (Total: 2804.57) Avg Speed: 11.1mph Max Speed: 29mph
I woke a little disorientated in the clubhouse wondering if last night really happened, this place is surreal. We went back over to the cafe for breakfast and the women offered to fill our water bottles up, what’s wrong with Jeffrey city! We hit the road expecting undulating downhill towards Lander today. Services were extremely limited again so I had to rely on the last supplies for mid-ride snacks. The only problem was mosquito’s were terrible again, if you stopped for even a second you had 15-20 latch onto you. A nice drivers rest area gave some reprieve but they still managed to get indoors from the people coming in and out all the time.
After taking a breather some random storms started cropping up around us, they were isolated and didn’t look to threatening. We enjoyed a nice descent into the plateau below before the clouds started looking more serious. I really don’t enjoy getting caught in these things so the adrenalin pumps me to ride fast. We got hit by some rain towards the edge of Lander and each car would spray me as they drove by, my poor bike was covered in mud splats.
After getting into Lander we went straight to the bike shop, I was considering investing in a Brooks saddle. The shop was great and gave us advice on places to stay in Lander. Its a cool town with lots going on, currently climbers are filling out the town running courses. We managed to get booked in at a hostel across the street my clothes and bike are filthy.
After cleaning up we headed into town first to a bar called The Forge and then for food where we were able to sit out on the deck in the nice evening. I ordered the chicken parmo which was very different to our home delicacy but still delicious. Ready for bed I crashed out after stealing a second pillow from a spare bed.
See the Americans havent quite perfected the Parmo yet tho it looks nice all the same! Yarm tomorrow night for me so I may indulge in the real thing x
World wide parmo buzz. still looks good even if it ain’t covered in garlic sauce.
Weeey, loving the last photo! Although not quite the type of establishment I have high hopes of owning in the future! Lol.
Great reading buddy, you wouldn’t believe the amount of people I have reading your blog now, it has become a talking point at work everyday!
Take care x