72.88 miles (Total: 3125.97) Avg Speed: 15.8mph Max Speed: 35.5mph
The elevation profile for today’s ride looked like the best all trip, a long sloping downhill towards Ennis, losing about 2,oooft over the ride. Because of this me and Wim enjoyed a more than casual morning not setting off until around 11am. Getting out of the Yellowstone area provided a nice return to the tranquil riding conditions we have been more accustomed too with hardly a car on the road.
We flew around Earthquake Lake which was unsurprisingly caused by an earthquake many moons ago. We stopped for a brief lunch at a rest area where I went to use the bathroom, there was only one toilet stall. As I was sat a guy comes in with 3 young kids, 2 of which decided to stick their heads under the door to say hi whilst they were waiting, the dad was furious with them but I thought it was hilarious.
The riding continued at a fast pace and in no time we had covered the 70+ miles to Ennis in the early afternoon with hardly exerting any real energy. I checked in a store to find directions to the campground and it turned out the old guy had been to Newcastle for a few days in the middle of a trip around Europe back in the 80’s. We found the others at the campground who had set of earlier than me and Wim this morning and we all talked about how good the ride was today. Terry had even bought a bottle of champagne to celebrate the amazing day, you don’t get many free miles on this trip.
I went and got a cheap subway for dinner then we sat around the table at camp talking for a while when an eastbound cyclist turned up. Wim joked about how is bear spray was really for NRA (National Rifle Association) members after he had a bad experience with a guy threatening him a few weeks ago. Turned out this guy was an NRA member and the joke went down like a led balloon. It didn’t matter the guy was abit of a jerk anyway, currently cycling the TransAm setting up online blind dates in every town. Good luck in Kentucky!
Terry on the bubbly! Top guy! x
Good to here you still making good progress and saving time for a drink. Look out for those NRA members as you might need more than pepper spray as they don’t like Invasive Species. Heat Index for Charlottesville, Va this weekend is 109. Be Thankful and keep truckin
hi rye i have left primary now and after 6 weeks i will join the comp. I have had a leavers party today and went in a limo
Hi Ryan,
Pictures are fantastic and will definitely be getting some blown up for the walls at home when you get back… Love the Champers, Terry has definitely got his priorities right!!
Off to Flamingo Land tomorrow with the kids, so pray the weather is fine – kids can’t wait (Helen not looking forward to the rides). They’re now off for six weeks summer holiday – Will as high as a kite (as you can imagine). Laughed at the kids peeping under the toilet door (Will has done that several times, normally when we’re in M & S) – nightmare… Everyone at home is good and loving the blogs – you’ve got quite a fan base now. Happy cycling and look forward to your next post – love Dad, Helen, Bradley and William x
hiya Ryan i am having a sleepover at the moment with my freind Joshua and yesterday i had one round his. Good luck for the rest of your trip
Alright lad!
Some fantastic photos, you’ve got quite an eye with the Nikon! Ha.
Great blog, good to see you’re gathering a tribe together! Must be good banter!
Will be glued to this for the remainder of the Summer!
Take care, Tone x
Hey Ryan,
Glad to hear your making great progress, keep your chin up with the headwind (not literally though). Fantastic photos of your route!! Laughed out loud at the kids poking their heads under your cubicle, use those funny points to remind you why your doing it when you meet the odd twat that trys to run you off the road and get the police to fine you for your troubles!
Fantastic blog. Loving the daily updates and hope your considering doing a return leg. Great to hear you’ve picked up a few more in your group.
Good Luck
el tel is my hero, always licared up