Land Down Under

Arriving in Brisbane we were welcomed not only by warmer temperatures but some more wonderful warmshower hosts John and Carolyn, thanks guys, especially for the incredible mangos! It would be a short-lived stay in Brisbane. Amid riding up Mount Coot-tha, meeting up with Terry from the transam ride and what seemed a never-ending uncertainty over job positions, I was finally offered a place in Brisbane but also offered a job in Perth. A fantastic opportunity given that cousin Glen along with school buddies Will and Pete have all recently moved there, no brainer. By then Eal had made the decision it was time for him to return home, just in time for Christmas. It was very strange saying goodbye as I set off to fly across Australia from QLD to WA. I was completely cut up in the taxi to the airport, the trip had ended and despite being super excited to start working again I was incredibly sad. We’ve had such a good run and lived out of one another’s pockets for 6+ months and now I probably wont see Eal for at least 6 more months.

So I have started a fresh in Perth, WA. Made all the easier with close friends helping me out just as all the road angels have done since last May. Here come the thank you’s, warmest wishes to Wim, Javier, Norma & Bob, John Lynch, Deb Franke, Jeffrey Odolski, Kyler, Joe Meyer, Bill & Kate Morris, Terry Strout, Elsie Hanning, Donn Olson, Bob Bergren, Greg Siple – Adventure Cycling, Emily B, Flavia, Julianna & Ivan, John & Jessi, Kevin & Jenny, John & Carolyn, The Detour Bar – Petersburg Iowa, Hellgate Cyclery, Larry Buzzard – Spokesmen Cycling. All of those people and many more make bicycle touring more enjoyable and worthwhile.

I don’t know how long I will be in Oz, if it will be over a year I plan on visiting home around Easter, right now I am just enjoying the chance to live and work in such an amazing place. The following images may be true but are still intended as a joke. If you can’t have a sense of humour about being from Middlesbrough, you’re struggling…

Old town.
Old commute along Portrack lane.
New town.

This post will conclude the blog, but I am not particularly comfortable with complete closure. I have always gotten very attached to experiences/memories/trips. I daydream way to much and like nothing more than reminiscing. Its hard to relate bike touring to somebody who has never done it. Its not an elite club, anyone can do it! But not many do. Bicycle touring has allowed me to get closer to the person I want to be and its allowed me to get very close to new friends in a short space of time. It has shown me a level of simplicity and happiness that many people long for and given me an appreciation for the smallest things in life. Smile, be kind, wave to a stranger, do a good deed for a neighbour and see the warmth it will give you. There is no remedy for love but to love more. Now go ride a bicycle like you’re 10 years old!